I'm planning to have the shop open Tues. Wed. Fri. and Sat. each week until Christmas...then I'll be closing until April. We still have plenty of birdhouse for gifts and birdfeeders. A few vendors left their items in the shop until Christmas, so come on out and find a unique gift. See you soon.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The new porch is on and you're welcome to come on out and shop tomorrow the 23rd ('till 5) and Saturday ('till 3). After 3, the other venders will be setting up for the Open House next week. Can't wait to see all the new products. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving today with family and friends...We wish you all many blessings.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Nov. 26 - Dec. 1, 2012
Nov. 26 - Dec. 1, 2012 * 9 to 5 pm
7670 West, 200 South; Topeka, IN
(Located in the same drive as Yoder Popcorn)
(260) 350-0945
You'll find stone birdhouses, vintage-type
aprons, hankie baby bonnets, and hand-made
decor for the home and garden. *Also
featuring many items from local artists, which
will include = homemade soaps, body scrubs,
handmade baskets, wooden items to display
things on, colorful handmade scarves, hand-
painted items by Cindy Bontrager, and other
items painted by my cousin Cheryl Kellett.
We'll have prizes, refreshments and 10%
off all the stone birdhouses, so come on out
and enjoy the day. Can't wait to see you :)
Nov. 26 - Dec. 1, 2012 * 9 to 5 pm
7670 West, 200 South; Topeka, IN
(Located in the same drive as Yoder Popcorn)
(260) 350-0945
You'll find stone birdhouses, vintage-type
aprons, hankie baby bonnets, and hand-made
decor for the home and garden. *Also
featuring many items from local artists, which
will include = homemade soaps, body scrubs,
handmade baskets, wooden items to display
things on, colorful handmade scarves, hand-
painted items by Cindy Bontrager, and other
items painted by my cousin Cheryl Kellett.
We'll have prizes, refreshments and 10%
off all the stone birdhouses, so come on out
and enjoy the day. Can't wait to see you :)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Took a mini vacation
Had a beautiful drive down to Nashville, TN and on to Gatlinburg last week-end with two other couples. Was so relaxing and refreshing. Saw colorful trees and attended a craft fair in Gatlinburg, along with the usual shopping. Friday evening we attended
the Dixie Stampede. Good food and laughter, very entertaining. Now we're home rested and working on getting things made for the Christmas Open House coming up Nov. 26 thru Dec. 1. Hope you're all planning to attend and have fun here like we did in TN. ! See you soon.

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Had so much fun at two auctions recently, and found some items I think you'll really like.....A large oval mirror and a small round (rolling pin) foot stool that is really colorful.
The Old Kitchen cupboard is full of dishes again.
I think you'll love this colorful flower garden quilt, I sure do. It's handquilted and they did a great job piecing it.

Neat little old red wagon, would look nice outside with some mums in it.
Have a lot of oil lamps, large and small.
This is Handel's Messiah, 2 large albums, about 10 records total....they are in perfect condition
I have a great collection of LP records, if you're a collector, you'll want to go through these!
Monday, September 17, 2012
It's official we'll be having a Christmas Open House at Bird's Nest Crafts & Gifts on Nov. 26 through Dec. 1...that whole week.... open 9-5 every day. Can you help us spread the word? Thanks! Cindy Bontrager said she would bring some items and you all know the great work she does. In fact her word/pictures are a great gift for the young family ...everyone loves them when they come in the shop, you can't go wrong :) We'll have other local artists items there too, like handy towels, home-made soaps and baskets, the list goes on. I'll have some smaller stone feeders too, which always sell fast. People that love to feed the birds will like them, as they should last a lot longer outside than a normal wooden one. So if you need gift ideas for anyone, I think you'll find it here! Well, gotta get to work on all this....see you in November!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
When my friend put in new porch railing and posts, I asked if I could have the old ones, so we dug them out of the trash and stored them, now finally, Mary's railing posts are becoming snowmen and santas, and I'm having fun creating them. Each one is unique and different, you'll have to come check them out. The shop has a "fall room" now with pumpkins of all sizes and shapes, some made from old barn siding, that you can take apart and they store flat. I'm also working on garlands for fall....just like the christmas ones, except with fall colors. I'll have 6' and 9'. I'll post pictures soon. In this pictures you can see a corner of the potato bin that Cindy Bontrager painted and brought in to sell. It's really cute. You're all invited to come and visit....call me, I'll put the coffee on! :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
These little pumpkins kept popping up all over the house last night .... don't they look cute in the plants ? I made them out of felt, and found that I could hang them from one of my row marker hangers. They could be put outdoors in the garden, along the walk, in the planters, etc. (I don't think I would let them out in the rain, since they are stuffed and are made of felt.) I'll come up with some more fall decor too, and the first room you come into, in the shop, will soon be the "fall" room ... come on out for some decorating ideas. See you soon...
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Here's a neat spindle bed for sale at the shop. It has a broken spindle that could easily be glued, and needs the rails, but I could see it dressing up a little girls room, or a guest room would look great with this in it. Also, today some friends brought me a bunch of goodies...couldn't believe it when they opened up their trunk ...they had crock pots, wooden spoons, old vet meds, washboard, etc. I can't wait to clean them up and display them. I'll be posting pictures soon. The shop will be closed this saturday because of a conflict in my schedule...so come on out Friday, or I'll see you next week. Isn't this beautiful weather God is giving us?? I just love it.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Dancing in the rain
"Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain", and believe me, we were dancing in the rain the last couple of weeks, so happy to see the grass turn from yellow to green again....(Of course that means needing to mow again) but the crops needed the rain so much. I think the quote is more about life, than actual rain, and I want to add that with Christ with us, it's a whole lot easier to "dance" through the storms. An older lady once shared in church that she isn't thanking God FOR her cancer, but is thanking God "through the cancer". Loved the thought, and have tried to incorporate it into my life....I don't have to thank God for everything I go through, but I can thank Him while going through these times. The last two weeks were a bit "trying" as my husband was very busy with his business, and I was trying to help, but not always that "helpful" :) So I tried to stay busy with Bird's Nest, and re-arranged outside, plus have a few new items inside. You'll notice the horse has been joined by another animal in the shop, a fake cat that looks so real!...I've posted pictures on facebook, you can see them there, or here are a few pictures......
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Rain, Rain, Don't go away....

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Yesterday I was busy making monkeys again...they are the cutest little guys! Today we cleaned the shop, and the house, then it's back to stoning birdhouses tomorrow. My grandniece spent the day with me today, and we had the best time, thanks for coming, Jenarae! I'm planning to attend a reunion on Saturday afternoon, so will be closing at noon on the 30th. If you were planning to shop, I hope you can come in the morning...see you then. Maybe we will even have some rain and cooler rain by then? My sister told me she has asked the Lord for rain so often, that she doesn't know how to pray for it anymore. So the next day, when the rain didn't come, but went around us, I asked her how she prayed THAT day, and she said simply, "thy will be done, Lord" :) Our lives are in His hands. Galen heard a good one yesterday, a fellow told him that he has noticed over the years, that at the tail end of a long dry spell it seems like it always rains! :) How funny :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
I LOVE A GOOD AUCTION! These two old wicker chairs were part of the "find" on Saturday in Ligonier. I also got a bunch of small tables, old ironing board, one of the "first ever" crock pots!, wait till you see it. Also, a youth spindle bed, quilt, comforter, white chenille spread, Baby doll bed with a drawer underneath. A wicker baby basket, and a few little dolls. What was really great was.. my husband stopped in and carried everything to the truck for me ..... he had it packed "to the gills" when I got in to come home. I was so thankful, and TIRED. The next morning I realized why I was so tired ... I had caught a cold!! Today I am better and thankful for it (I'm sure Galen is too :)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
"How does your garden grow? Clay bells and radishes all in a row". (Not a proper quote, but apt for the shop :) Everyone is busy planting garden, and the row markers were a hot item this week. They even look nice on a kitchen christmas tree, or identifying herbs that you have a hard time remembering what they are! I've been planting flowers outside in an old chicken feeder...looks kinda neat. Made me think of the bible verse...to everything there is a season, a time to plant and a time to harvest. I had a bus stop in early one morning this week, and we had a busy half hour. They were from Canada, and seemed to really like the birdhouses... Well, it's Saturday evening, time to prepare for Sunday. Have a blest Lord's day, everyone.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
We have several new items in the shop, all done by local crafters.
Here's a sample of the old barn siding signs put together by Beth Hirschy Pogue. I think you'll like the materials and sayings that she uses.....this is one of about 20 that she brought in. The sign is sitting on a garden bench made from an old twin bed, by Laura Mishler and her sister.
Cindy Bontrager brought some of her great pictures made from pictures that she takes herself. People love to decorate with them, and they each have a verse or saying that makes it very meaningful. Come check them out, (I already sold one of them :)
Here's a sample of the old barn siding signs put together by Beth Hirschy Pogue. I think you'll like the materials and sayings that she uses.....this is one of about 20 that she brought in. The sign is sitting on a garden bench made from an old twin bed, by Laura Mishler and her sister.
Cindy Bontrager brought some of her great pictures made from pictures that she takes herself. People love to decorate with them, and they each have a verse or saying that makes it very meaningful. Come check them out, (I already sold one of them :)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
I found these cute little chairs at an amish garage sale in the area, but they didn't have the table. They look really neat with a doll or a plant on them. Sometimes I wish I could keep all the fun things I find, but the house would soon fill up, so I just enjoy the "hunt", and then let you enjoy looking for the "treasures" in the shop. My husband loves ice cream, and I've always wanted large chairs like these to use in our breakfast nook. These are a little small :). Speaking of husbands, we attended a marriage retreat this week-end with Bay and Peg Forrest. It was renewing, and gave this 41 year marriage a real boost. I feel like we're back on track to being the person/couple that God has planned. It also helped me to renew my committment to our marriage and to God....that our heart is in the right place...Gods!
Friday, April 13, 2012
I went garage saleing yesterday, and believe me, it was fun and work at the same time, it took all day! It's so much fun to find a bargain, and their were so many sales in the Honeyville area, I couldn't believe it. I found this perfect condition tea set. It has the cutest little cups and saucers. Can't wait to serve tea on it (or sell it...my husband says I can't keep everything!) The shop is open again today, and I'll be getting new things out. I'll put a picture on tomorrow of the cutest, doll size, ice cream parlor chairs I picked up, but they didn't have the table anymore. Time to get to the shop...see you later.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Ready or not, here we go :). We are open today....the shop isn't finished or completely set up, but it will give me something to do (ha), as my husband tells me. It's been fun setting up and arranging, and who knows, it may all be re-arranged by next week. We have a lot of birdhouses ready, along with feeders, aprons, and a lot of fun home decor, even a table of old tools for the men to browse through. See you soon. (Open Tues., Wed., Fri., 9-5 and Sat. 9-3)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
We finally set a date to re-open for the summer, and the date is April 10, 2012. The shop should be finished and hopefully we will be settled in. Can't wait to show everyone the new items purchased and the stone birdhouses and feeders we have ready to go. I just finished the first oriole feeder (to put oranges on), and I have a second design for grape jelly. The picture to the right shows the old barn siding and barn beams we are using in the entry to the shop. See you soon.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
New (Old) Shop

Hard to believe, but this is going to be one wall of the new shop area in our barn. I can't wait until it's done and we can start putting items in the shop, decorating, etc. It will be such fun. It all sounded so simple, "let's move the shop to the barn..." but now we have a lot of decisions to make, what and how many lights we need, old flooring, ceiling, colors....what old door where. It will all come together in the end, (and hopefully our marriage will stay together too.) :) So we'll keep working at it and we'll see you in the spring.
Friday, January 27, 2012
This church will be for sale when I open the shop up again in the spring. I attended a sale last Saturday, and this is one of the items I was able to buy. Isn't it the neatest?! It's from back in the 40's/50's, and it's all there, the light works and it has a music box that plays "Silent Night". I was so excited, my husband could tell...he laughed and said, "The buy of the day"! I agreed. On a personal note, last evening, while sitting at the table working on taxes, the silence was interrupted by a loud reverberating noise and the house seemed to be ready to collapse around me. I've never heard or felt anything like it before. They still don't know what it was other than perhaps thunder (it was foggy all around us at the time), or a sonic boom. After I realized the house was ok, and I was ok, I started thinking about "things". Will it be like that when the Lord returns...just something sudden, out of the blue? Will I be prepared? I sure wasn't prepared for this "boom", it really startled me. We are to be watching and ready for the Lord's return, it will happen ... how "startled" will I be?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Stoning Again
I'm finally back stoning birdhouses after the holidays, sitting in my sunny kitchen with music on the radio, thinking about my friends and praying for certain situations. It was a good day, and I actually got 5 birdhouses stoned. I'll be glad for that next summer when I'm busy with the shop and don't really have time to stone. Hopefully I can get ahead this winter and next summer won't be so stressed.
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